Principal Investigator

Dr. Madalyn R. RadlauerProfessor Madalyn R. Radlauer joined the San Jose State University Chemistry Department as an Assistant Professor in August 2017. Originally from New Orleans, LA, she first came to the Bay Area for her undergraduate studies in Chemistry at Stanford University where she worked in the laboratory of Prof. Robert Waymouth and learned how to make and purify small molecules. During her doctoral studies at Caltech with Prof. Theodor Agapie, she synthesized bimetallic polymerization catalysts and studied mechanism and the effects of proximity. After finishing her PhD in 2014, she moved to Minneapolis, MN and completed a 3-year postdoctoral position with Prof. Marc Hillmyer at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities where she was a Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Fellow. During these three years, in addition to research about polymers, she was the co-lead for the Women in Science and Engineering Initiative.

Prof. Radlauer is very excited to be working at 菠菜网lol正规平台 where she teaches inorganic, analytical, and polymer chemistry and does independent research with undergraduate and master’s students. Her current research interests are around facilitating challenging reactions relevant to fuel production and human health by using a combination of (small molecule) organometallic catalysts and polymeric (big molecule) frameworks.